On Your Wedding Day…

Some couples will ask us directly, as they wrap up their planning journey and are looking to ensure they didn’t forget anything. The question is usually a version of “what piece of advice do you have for a couple on their wedding day?” So, since wedding season is here, we want to share the bits of advice that we wish all couples knew on their wedding day.

All of the excitement, planning, anticipation, and stress has lead you to today. It’s your day; plan to enjoy it!

Slow down and consciously enjoy the day.

In Italy there is a saying, “dolce far niente”, meaning “the sweetness of doing nothing.” So many times in modern life we have something in front of us to occupy our time. You can implement a quick moment of dolce far niente at any point in your wedding day. Our favorite is when couples have a pre-decided upon location that they want to make a peaceful getaway to between their ceremony and pictures or cocktail hour. A small plate of their appetizers, their two favorite drinks, and just the two of them to enjoying a few moments in each others’ company embracing and breathing in the newness of being married.

If stealing away for a break between your ceremony and festivities isn’t plausible for you, dolce far niente could be accomplished by taking a few moments while getting ready to bask in the glow of your preparations; or towards the end of the night, stepping back from the dance floor to take in all of the joy of your loved ones.

Photo Credit: Jacquelyn Potter Photography

Eat. Hydrate. Don’t be shy; Ask for what you need.

It’s one of the things we say to our clients over and over. “Have you eaten? Are you hydrating?” It’s a long day - hair, makeup, and getting ready most of the morning, traveling between locations, pictures, first looks, your ceremony, and welcoming guests - you may not eat until 5 or 6pm. Don’t forget to eat, and if you can’t hang onto a water bottle, ask someone to be in charge of it for you so you can get a drink when you need. It sounds so basic, but is often forgotten in the shuffle and is so important to ensure you can enjoy your day without passing out or being hangry!

There may be hiccups during the day, and that’s ok.

There may be something that happens during the day that wasn’t planned for: maybe it’s an unseasonably cool day or dinner service ran longer than the time that was budgeted in the itinerary. It will be ok. You can’t plan for absolutely everything, but your guests are going to have a fabulous time regardless. Grab your spouse’s hand, your favorite drink, and enjoy yourself. It’s your wedding, so have fun and don’t stress!

Photo Credit: Amy Bennett Photography

You can’t do it all. Have a plan. Ask for help. Hire someone to help you.

The wedding day is already busy for couples. You don’t want to try to fit in decorating your event space or building floral arrangements between getting ready. And your loved ones shouldn’t miss out on pieces of the day because they were responsible for certain duties. Mom should not be catering or bussing tables, and Dad shouldn’t be parking people’s cars or running to pick up guests from Air BnBs.

You want to host your guests. You do not want to work at your wedding.

The day will go quickly.

You’ll be surprised how quickly you blink and it’s suddenly end of night. Take in the moments; enjoy the day; love the journey that you and your spouse have take taken, and the milestone you have accomplished.

Photo Credit: Dana Ullman Photography

Bonus for After Your Wedding: If you experience some post-wedding blues, know that this is totally normal. We’ve heard from couples, and experienced ourselves with our own weddings, the weird post-wedding feelings and let down. It’s understandable, and you are not alone. You’ve spent a significant portion of the last year (or more!) planning the details of your big day, so it may take a little bit to find a new focus. Enjoy filling your newly found free time with fun things that bring you and your new spouse joy.


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